
"He's a 10, but ...": literary edition!

A while ago, my students became obsessed by some sort of Tik Tok trend which involved trying to guess the identity of a classmate or famous person based on a phrase that begins with the words "He's/She's a 10, but ..." and culminates in some sort of coded clue to their identity. 

Not long thereafter, I was brainstorming games for an upcoming gathering of literary friends and decided to repurpose the trend into a literary challenge. 

How many of the following fictional characters can you identify based on the clues provided? 

  1. He's a 10, but frankly he doesn't give a damn
  2. He's a 10, but he has far, far better things to do
  3. He's a 10, but he hasn't figured out what to be or not to be
  4. He's a 10, and he's got some Great Game
  5. He's a 10, but pictures don't do him justice
  6. She's a 10, but you'd always be Wondering where she wandered off to
  7. He's a 10; the twist is that he's a little dodgy
  8. She's a 10, and she's already got her own wedding dress
  9. He's a 10, and he's got a personality as big as a whale
  10. He's a 10, but sometimes clever women leave him feeling a bit Adled
  11. He's a 10, but he refuses to grow up 
  12. She's a 10; in fact, you could say she's earned an A
  13. He's a 10, and his love for you will never die
  14. He's a 10, but he may end up bugging out on you
  15. He's a 10, but he's a bit of a swinger
  16. He's a 10, but he tilts at windmills
  17. He's a 10, and he's willing to grant you his affection even though he holds your family in low regard
  18. He's a 10, but his business trips are epically long
  19. He's a 10, but all the king's men may not be able to save his soul
  20. He's a 10, but you can see right through him
  21. She's a 10, but don't make the Eyrer of comparing her to a bird in a cage

1/Rhett Butler, Gone With The Wind; 2/Syndey Carton, Tale of Two Cities; 3/Hamlet, Hamlet; 4/Kim, Kim; 5/Dorian Gray, The Picture of Dorian Gray; 6/Alice, Through the Looking Glass; 7/The Artful Dodger, Oliver Twist; 8/Mrs. Haversham, Great Expectations; 9/Ahab, Moby Dick; 10/Sherlock Holmes, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; 11/Peter Pan, Peter Pan; 12/Hester Prynn, The Scarlet Letter; 13/Dracula, Dracula; 14/Gregor, The Metamorphosis; 15/Tarzan, Tarzan of the Apes; 16/Don Quixote, Don Quixote; 17/Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice; 18/Odysseus, The Odyssey; 19/Willie Stark, All The King's Men; 20/Griffin, The Invisible Man; 21/Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre

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