
Your Life in Literature

Certain tastes, smells, and songs trigger memories so strong that when you encounter them, you find yourself re-experiencing the moment in your life with which they were originally associated. If you have been an avid reader all your life, some books will have the power to do that too. 

Recently I started thinking about the books that mark milestones in my life. Below are some of the questions I asked myself. I think of the results as "My Life in Literature." Some of the results surprised even me!  What does your "Life in Literature" say about you?   

  1. What book(s) was your favorite as a child?
  2. What was the first "grown up" book(s) you remember reading?
  3. What book(s) do you remember being forced to read against your will?
  4. What book(s) do you remember reading in high school?
  5. What book(s) do you remember reading in college?
  6. What book(s) did you read *to* your child most often?
  7. What book(s) did you read *with* your child?
  8. What book(s) most challenged you as a reader?
  9. What book(s) most challenged your values?
  10. What book(s) made you see something through fresh eyes?
  11. What book(s) made you understand something new about the world?
  12. What book(s) did you read just because you loved the movie?
  13. What movie(s) did you see just because you loved the book?
  14. What book do you remember a parent (or special person) reading to you?
  15. What book(s) do you remember your mom reading?
  16. What book(s) do you remember your father reading?
  17. What book(s) do you remember other loved ones reading?
  18. What book(s) did you force your best friend to read?
  19. What book(s) most frightened you the most?
  20. What book(s) made you laugh the hardest?
  21. What book(s) made you cry the hardest?
  22. What book(s) made you swoon?
  23. What book(s) made you believe in love?
  24. What literary character(s) did you fall in love with?
  25. What literary character(s) did you fall in lust with?
  26. What literary character(s) did you most want to trade places with?
  27. What book(s) most made you want to live in a different time?
  28. What book(s) most made you want to live in a different place?
  29. What genre do you most enjoy? Why?
  30. What book(s) kindled in you a lifelong passion(s)?

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