
Cub Scout Skit #4: A Trip to Egypt


Ohio Jones, famous adventurer/professor
Student 1-4
(other scouts can join in as students)

Pith helmets

LEADER: At last! By the look of those huge pyramids over there, we must finally be in ancient Egypt, Land of the Pharoahs, or my name isn’t Ohio Jones, the famous archeologist!

Now, my young students, it is time for me to teach you how to keep your senses keen for the things around us. You can’t hope to learn about the present, or the past, without using ALL your senses.

[They walk a few steps. Suddenly Leader halts and holds finder in the air, as if testing the wind]

There … did you feel that?

STUDENT #1 [wiping the sweat from his forehead]: I don’t feel anything except sweat pouring from my face.

LEADER. The temperature changed as we came over the hill! That means there’s an oasis nearby. You need to be aware of these things, for someday they could save your life.

[They walk a few more steps. Suddenly Leader halts and cups his ear, as if hearing something]

There … did you hear that?

STUDENT #2 [groaning]: I didn’t hear anything except the sound of my muscles groaning.

LEADER: That was the sound of the wind blowing across the dunes. It tells you when a sandstorm is approaching so you can be prepared for it. As I keep telling you, you need to be aware of these things, for someday they could save your life!

[They walk a few more steps. Suddenly Leader halts and smells the air, as if picking up an aroma]

There … now SURELY you smelled that?

STUDENT #3: All I smell is my sweaty safari shirt.

[everyone pretends to suddenly notice the smell of the shirt and groans, backing away]

LEADER: You ignorant lads … I’m talking about the smell of campfire smoke in the air! Sure, it could be just a wandering shepherd. But it COULD be an enemy too. You need to pay attention! You need to stay alert!

[They walk a few more steps. Suddenly Leader halts and points at the last boy in line.]

Now you CAN’T tell me you didn’t see THAT!

STUDENT #4 [trying to pretend he is smarter than the others]: Ummmm, yeah … of course I saw it!

LEADER [pointing down to the boys shoes]: Well, then, why on earth did you step in it? Yuck!
[Boys all realize scout has stepped in camel dung and say things like -- “yuck – camel poop!” - "pee-you!" - “I can’t believe you stepped in camel poop!”]

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